The TEMA Foundation was created in 1992. Its mission is to create effective and conscious public opinion on environmental problems, specifically soil erosion, deforestation, desertification, climate change and biodiversity loss in Turkey for the benefit of future generations.
Website: www.tema.org.tr

Educational Volunteers Foundation of Turkey (TEGV) was founded in January 23, 1995 with the aim of "supporting the primary education provided by the government" by a group of industrialists, managers and academics leaded by Suna Kıraç, who believed by their whole hearts that education comes before everything else. TEGV was founded by a board of 55 trustees who believed that lack of education lies on the basis of most of the problems our country is facing today and that it is not possible to reach the contemporary level of civilization without solving this issue and who has the will and determination to take part in this solution.
In its first years TEGV had provided scholarships, repaired schools, had activities in youth centers and then decided to focus on providing "after school educational support" for primary school children. Throughout the years, TEGV became the most widespread NGO in Turkey in the area of education.
Website: www.tegv.org

LÖSEV is a non-profit NGO, mainly aiming to provide educational and emotional support, financial assistance and health services for children who have leukemia or chronic blood disorders, in order to help them cope with a life-threatening illness. Other goals are to promote knowledge and provide instruction on an international level regarding acquired and inherited blood diseases, as well as establish and operate research institutions.
Every year in Turkey we see 1000 - 1500 new cases of children diagnosed with leukemia. Families with limited financial resources may be forced to make a difficult decision-that of choosing to support their healthy child, or their child who has leukemia. LÖSEV helps to shoulder this unexpected financial burden. However, not only does it aim to provide income for these little heroes, it also endeavours to communicate the problems of our children and their families to society in order to create awareness of leukemia.
Website: www.losev.org.tr